20 jan. 2012

Run, Hedgehog, run!

Or walk, since I fail at animation rules at the moment. >:T

Been a while since I did some flash animation. Wanted to start with a classic run cycle, and when I think run, I (sometimes) think Sonic. Problem with non-pixel-art animation is that you kinda need 16 frames (or more!) for a nice, smooth walk animation, but I tend to get bored after 8 frames so... It's a bit choppy :T
Well, isn't he happy? Why not, since he actually seem to be on the way up again. Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing, Sonic Colours, Sonic Generations. Great games, all three of them.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Flash är förjävligt.. Men det här ser ju bra ut! Jag gillar att Sonic ser så nöjd ut fast han traskar och inte springer :P

  2. Åh, Sonic. Det ser ut som om han knallar ner till ICA för att köpa en panna mjölk och dagens Aftonblad. XD
