21 jan. 2012

Phoenix Down!

Är det möjligt? Har till slut allt tjat fått mig att genomföra det? Ja, ta mig fan, det verkar inte bättre. I somras ritade jag en sida som skulle va den efterlängtade fortsättningen på Stafettserien, men jag kom aldrig till skott med att scanna den, och till slut lyckades jag till och med tappade bort det sabla ritblocket. Resten är historia och det vart ingen ny sida.

Tills idag. De här två sidorna är INTE ALLS som den sidan jag en gång tecknade, men jag kände inte för att försöka memorera hur den såg ut och vad som hände (det var nån tillbakablick med mig och Olov och vi snackade om High Chaparral). Let us continue!

 Det är såhär jag ser mig själv. Dead serious, jag har ett så stort ego. ;P (ok, inte riktigt)

20 jan. 2012

Run, Hedgehog, run!

Or walk, since I fail at animation rules at the moment. >:T

Been a while since I did some flash animation. Wanted to start with a classic run cycle, and when I think run, I (sometimes) think Sonic. Problem with non-pixel-art animation is that you kinda need 16 frames (or more!) for a nice, smooth walk animation, but I tend to get bored after 8 frames so... It's a bit choppy :T
Well, isn't he happy? Why not, since he actually seem to be on the way up again. Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing, Sonic Colours, Sonic Generations. Great games, all three of them.

3 jan. 2012

First Person Dungeon Crawlers!

This is a genre that I really like. I have no idea why because, in many ways, it's a rather off-putting one. Might just be my thirst to dig in to the really hardcore parts of video games. Here's a few mockups of a 8-bit FPDC based on Master System specs. Probably won't ever make one of these, since it's hard to make this genre appealing to the masses, not to mention stupid to make a 3D labyrinth in 2D in this day and age. But hey, it's fun to play around. (and I seriously needed to post some Pixel Art here...)

Heavily inspired by the Megami Tensei series and (obviously) the first Phantasy Star. Can't remember what the top-left square was intended for when I started this, but it would probably be something smart xP

1 jan. 2012


I used to think Crash Bandicoot was pretty cool. Not Sonic-cool by any means, but sure as hell cooler than Mario. Looking back on this fact today, it really bugs me. I still like him today, but for completely different reasons. Back in the day, he was somewhat of a role model and the definition of "cool", but today I just kinda like the idea of playing as a retarded rodent wearing shorts.

I've been meaning to get one of the recent crash games to see if they hold up to the old ones. I have no idea if there's any real quality behind them, but since they keep releasing games, I guess they must sell pretty good.